Word pad | define word pad | what is word pad |

 Define word pad:


WordPad is a Rich Text Format Document. In which we can type the data, insert the pictures, shapes and also open the other programs.

The extension of WordPad is  ( “ .RTF ” in window 8 and “.Doc” in Window XP).
Bars in WordPad.

There are 8 bars in word pad.

01) Title Bar
02) Quick Access Toolbar
03) Menu / Tab bar
04) Ruler Bar
05) Ribbon
06) Vertical Scroll Bar
07) Horizontal Scroll Bar
08) Status Bar


                  Home Tab

Cut   : By this option we can move the selected text.

Copy: By this option we can make the duplicates of selected data.

Paste: This option is used for paste the cut or copied data.

Paste Special: This option makes the text into other forms/formats.


Font Family : We can change the style of selected text.

Font Size : We can change the size of selected text.

Grow Font : This option is used for increase the font size.

Shrink Font : This option is used for decrease the font size.

Bold : Make the selected text Bold.

Italic : Make the selected text italic.

Underline : We can give the underline through this option.

Strikethrough : This option is used for give the line through the middle 

                            of the selected text.

Superscript : This is used for change the selected text into Power form.

Subscript : This option is used for change the selected text into Base form.

Text Highlight Color : This option is used for give the background color 

                                         to the selected text.

Text Color : Change the color of selected text.

Increase Indent : Increase the indent level of paragraph.

Decrease Indent : Decrease the indent level of paragraph.

Start a list :  Give the built styles.

Line spacing : Change the spacing between lines of text.

Align text left : Change the alignment to left side on page.

Align text center : Change the alignment to center on page.

Align text right : Change the alignment to right side on page.

Justify : Make the alignment equal to both left and right side.

Paragraph : Show the paragraph setting.

Picture : We can insert the picture by this option.

Change Picture: This option is change the one picture

 into Another picture.

Resize Picture :  This option is used for change the size of the picture.

Paint Drawing : By this option we can draw the painting in Ms Paint.

Date and Time: This option is used for insert the current date and time.

Insert Object : By this option we can open the other programs in          current document.

Find : This option is used for search or find the letters or

            words in current document.

Replace : We can change the letters or words into other.

Select all: By this option we can select all the data in current document.

  View Tab

Zoom in : Increase the zoom level.

Zoom out : Decrease the zoom level.

100% :  Make the zoom into normal size (100%).

Show or hide Ruler Bar and Status Bar.

No wrap :   By this option we can write the text

  in one line.

Wrap to window : By this option text wraps at the  

                                  text window’s  screen.

Wrap to ruler : By this option text wraps at the ruler bar.

By this option we can use the change the measurement

Of ruler bar into Inches, Centimeters, Points and Picas.
